Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I want to write, but feelings...

I want to write a lot of things, but I can't write and also talk easily about feelings and thoughts.

Because, life is a duration, and I continuously reconsider all happens. When I talk or write, I break the duration, and evaluate at this moment, but normally that duration is going on. So, the feelings and thoughts that writing and talking are not overlapping exactly, and all of them are getting half. Therefore, mostly I prefer to keep quite.

In additon, in my opinion, when feelings are written or talked, they are not feelings anymore, words are deliminateting, decreasing meanings of them.

Maybe the answer of these two paragraph. Some people use their brains, some people use their hearths as me. Which one is valid, I don't know, but I know one thing this is my advantage to say " I lived".

Altogether, feeling is a beautiful thing and meaning of life.


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